
The truth about Palm oil

Palm oil is undeniably a massive industry. Raking in billions of dollars annually through practices that involve deforestation. The displacement of indigenous communities. Significant carbon dioxide emissions, and the endangerment of numerous species, including the orangutan. It’s a pervasive ingredient, present in more than 50% of the products on our shelves. From ice cream to […]

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My Master’s in Tropical Ecology – How my First Semester Went

Just before Christmas, I successfully completed my first semester of the Master’s in Tropical Ecology and Management of Natural Resources. Over the course of 4.5 months, I earned a total of 25 credits. While this semester was markedly different from the usual academic experience, it proved to be quite enjoyable and enlightening. I had the

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Endangered Species, What Does This Mean?

On Instagram, I frequently discuss terms like ‘endangered species’ or ‘vulnerable species’. What exactly do these designations signify, and why are they ascribed to particular animals and plants? These classifications are determined by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Which employs a globally recognized set of conservation categories to assess the status of

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