Nature School

The Threat of Invasive Species: Impacts on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Introduction Invasive species are non-native animals or plants that are introduced to a new environment, where they can cause harm to the native ecosystem and are considered one of the major threats to biodiversity. Because they can compete with native species for resources, disrupt ecological processes, and alter habitats. Invasive species can also have negative […]

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Climate Change and Its Impacts: Understanding the Causes and Consequences

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. It is caused by human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and land-use changes. Climate change is leading to rising temperatures, sea level rise, changes in precipitation patterns, and more frequent and severe weather events. The impacts of climate change are

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Exploring Defence Mechanisms: How Animals Avoid Predation.

Defence mechanisms in the animal and plant kingdom are essential for survival. From the smallest insects to the mightiest predators and everything in between. Creatures have developed ingenious ways to protect themselves. Join us on a journey to unveil the wonders of these natural shields, where nature’s concealed safeguards take centre stage. Understanding the Basics

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The truth about Palm oil

Palm oil is undeniably a massive industry. Raking in billions of dollars annually through practices that involve deforestation. The displacement of indigenous communities. Significant carbon dioxide emissions, and the endangerment of numerous species, including the orangutan. It’s a pervasive ingredient, present in more than 50% of the products on our shelves. From ice cream to

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Exploring the Fascinating World of Symbiotic Interactions

Symbiotic interactions stand as captivating biological relationships, honed through millions of years of evolution. These partnerships unite two or more species in intimate coexistence, where each entity exerts influence upon the other. Such interactions bear profound significance for the survival of numerous species and serve as a pivotal element within the realm of the natural

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The Population Demographics of a Wild Animal or Plant Population

Let’s delve into the fascinating realm of population demographics, with a focus on the fundamental factor of population size and the intricate strategies employed by various species. To begin, we’ll establish some essential definitions. A population refers to the aggregate of organisms of the same species residing in a specific geographical area concurrently, capable of

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11 inspiring documentaries about Africa’s people and wildlife

Last time, we explored free courses for delving into nature conservation. This time, let’s shift our focus to documentaries. Documentaries about Africa to be precise. If you’re in search of captivating viewing, few things rival the excitement of the finest African wildlife documentaries. This is particularly appealing, especially when travel to Africa isn’t currently an

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Ecology Explained in Less Than 200 Characters

Nature conservation often comes with complex terminology that can be intimidating, especially for those without a background in the field. That’s why I’m launching a series to simplify these terms in 200 characters or less. Part 2 focuses on ecology, a central theme in my master’s studies. I aim to make these concepts accessible to

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